Saturday, July 30, 2011

Why must you say this

This isnt real. Why must life be so hard for me now. I have lost the person i loved the most and now he thinks that i'm a two faced. Why? Do you know how much i missed you? Well, i just think that its over between us la okay? It's okay with me. I'm not gonna intefere in your life already. You wanna go with chinese girls, go ahead. Call me two faced for all i care. I just want you to know that i love you so much than i ever ever loved anyone else. I had enjoyed the 1 year 5 months with you. Thanks so much for the love, thank you very very much. I appreciate it a lot. Thanks okay? Now, that i'm done with you, you can go with other people ok.

GOODBYE 240210, i will always miss you, i will. It will always be stucked in my mind. Bye, kurniawan adeyanto.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I've gone overboard

Hey, what's happening to my life now? I'm so dead.