This post is specially for my dearest classmates, friends and also crush? Haha.
Yes, from the title of this post you can guess it already, I finally graduated from High School, yesterday, 26th of September 2012. As promised from the previous post, i'm going to upload pictures of my graduation and this post will be special...extra special because i'm going to share my story about how my life went through out this four years being in Secondary school.
All right, let's begin...
School started as usual, lessons are still on for that day till 12.30pm. Everyone who is from the graduating classes are released early so that everyone of us can get ready for the graduation ceremony. During that period of time, i took the chance to take pictures with my classmates, best friends and also my crush?(will definitely tell more later...)
Meet my amazing totally spice! My amazing girls who i will miss the most! I hope that each and every one of us will meet up like every single week ok? |
From the left, it's my NCC-mate, Hanan, she's always there for me. We love to share stories together during training and sometimes we can just be more than bestfriends, we're just like sisters (: Myself, Ria and also my four years guy friend, Khuz. Even though you always disturb me and stuff, i still have to admit that you're the funniest guy that i've ever met through out my four years and i'll definitely miss you bro (: |
Another shot of us together! |
Wanna know who is this hottie? This is my English Teacher, Mr Goh. He's so hot right?! He's the reason why i like English lessons so much despite the fact that he always give us plenty of work! |
Trying to get a perfect jump shot together but just look at the picture, i was the only one, jumping! |
Some of my cadets that came up to me to give me a wonderful card made by them! Thanks so much girls! I'll be back soon for trainings ok? Please wait! xx |
Meet Xin Jie, she's one of the closest Chinese friends that i have and i'll definitely miss doing cool stuffs with her and gossiping about bloggers? Lol. |
My Physical Education Teacher, Mr Wong. He never fails to call me a frog just because my classmates calls me one! But whatever it is Mr Wong, i still think you're the best... |
A picture with the school drum major from the CCA, Band. To be honest, he's one of my eye candy ! Haha. |
Yes, meet my partners in crime, Farhanah! She's the CSM of my school NCC unit and she's also there for me! We've been friends since secondary 1 and i really really love her so much! We've worked together to manage a good unit for the school. |
Some of the malay girls in my class! |
Secondary 5 Seniors! |
Here comes the best part! Meet Khair, who is also known as MY CRUSH! Since i'm blogging about graduation, why not, i be honest to all my readers and share with you about my crush. He's just the cutest, right? Oh my god, a girl can dream! *dreaming* If you're reading this, i just want you to know that you've been my crush for like one year now and i'm a little bit sad that time flies too fast and i only got to know you a little bit. Heh, i hope that i'll know you more, sooner or later ! But whatever it is, You're hot and awesome and i'm happy because i got to take a picture with you! |
Charming isn't he? |
This is my animal friend, Mustafar SubZero. He calls me frog and i call him duck because he's short and i have big eyes But Mus, you're the best animal friend that i've ever had! Love you duck! |
This is Amirah. She was the first friend that i have when i first stepped into secondary school. I still remember how you look on orientation day Mirah, you are so different back then! Haha. I'll miss you friend! |
The two chiobu(cute) chinese girls in class! |
Lim Wei Cong a.k.a the ahbeng in class! Err, we're not a couple ok? Don't get me wrong! |

I have a lot of photos in my camera but i don't wish to upload all because i'm afraid that my blog post is all filled up with photos! Okay, so like i say, my journey has came to and end and i finally graduated!
I still remember how silly, ugly i look when i was in Secondary One back then. I was in the Student Councillor but then i quitted for no reason, being called a frog by my classmates, i look so clumsy with my geeky red specs, having crush on some guys and sending them letters but then i got rejected...Having fights with some of my friends but it was a memorable year being a secondary one student in year 2009.
Then came 2010. I was a secondary two student. Life went as per normal with my girl friends, going for trainings, practising hard for trainings and also studying hard for exams and had a relationship that lasted for two years...Going home with my ex boyfriend after trainings, oh wow, so many memories! Taking part in the National Day Parade 2010 with the rest of the cohort...Ended my life of being a lower secondary student..
Stepped into Upper Secondary Life, Secondary Three was the most amazing, memorable year ever because i get to meet and have new classmates, new teachers and also new subjects that i have to learn! The overseas trip that we had together at Pahang, Malaysia really brought us up to who we are today! The times where the guys were showing their caringness to us was just amazing. The long bus rides from destination to destination, the nutella cookies that our dear Mdm Fatimah made for us and also, inhaling laughing gas that is actually for first aid purpose. It is indeed a memorable year for me...
Final year came up, senior year, two new people coming to the Compassion Family, Khair and Vernon. The class list was filled up with 46 students and it's one of the most busiest class in the Normal Academic level because we're cool like that...Though we only spend time together for 9 months or less, i still have to say that it was a joy having the both of you around...Feelings change, everything changed, the jokes, laughters, jokes that we had during lesson and also the true and dare session we had during the last few days before graduation will be dearly missed. (I'm already missing you guys now)
Yes, as from today, i have to adapt to that "Not schooling" life. I still have 3 more days to my N levels exams and i'm left with six papers before i can party all day and night but still, my classmates are the ones that i will miss! I wish that i can go to secondary five with all of you, the 45 of you...but it's impossible because some of you don't want to. Guys, i really have to say that you guys are the best! I love you! I hope that all of you will have a blissful life ahead of all of you and we shall plan and outing soon okay?
Now, to end this post, i hope my readers will have fun reading my blog and sorry if this post has been a long one, i just want to dedicate this to my dear ones (: I love you 4Compassion'12!
Xoxo, Ainul Athirah!
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