Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Sentosa Spooktacular 2013

Hi guys! Still remember when i said i have one good post to share about this event called 'Sentosa Spooktacular'? I'm sooo gonna tell you guys about it now!

Let the story begins!

In mid August, three of my friends including myself, went for an audition to be part of Sentosa Spooktacular. We have to act out according to the card sheet that was given to us. I acted out as the old lady who turned crazy because she is depressed to have kids and a husband and so she decided to kidnap all the villagers kids. All of us who went for the auditions got selected to be part of Sentosa Spooktacular this year!

September: All of us had to come down for several trainings so that the management can choose what character suits us best. We have to give our best evil laughter, wicked walk and we have to exercise our vocal cords so that we wont hurt them when we scream at the visitors! It feels more like a drama-class training!

October: We had to come down for one last refresher training before we move on to the dry run for the event! Did i mention what character i got? Since this year's theme for Sentosa Spooktacular is Thai Movies, so they collaborated with GTH to bring all the movies to LIVE at Sentosa. From the famous Pee Mak, Shutter, Coming Soon, Body and Dorm movie. I am part of the ambience so all i have to do is just walk around the place as a Chaba. Don't know what Chaba is?

On the first day of Spooktacular 

Yeah, that ugly looking old lady in green is me! I got to play Chaba (one of the main character for Sentosa Spooktacular) this year!

Trust me! I now respect people who work as a mascot because wearing a mask is definitely a suffering job that anyone can ever survive! I had to put on that mask for 5 hours and can only take it out when i go for 5 to 10 minutes break! I kept on changing characters day by day depending on the number of manpower that they have on each day. I got to be Saloma, Natre (school girl who got raped by her boyfriend's friend) and a Thai Girl. I also got to be in two of the trails. One is Coming Soon and the other is Shutter!
A group photo with some of the Thai Street ghost! 
With Idris, i met him when i was working at POLW.

Photo: See me as Saloma and my P.Ramlee tonight at the red carpet! See you there 󾠣
Thats me, as Saloma! People call me the "pretty ghost" 
Me as Natre and my close friend in school, Suzy.

I'm starting to miss all the friends made, the crazy make up artiste that keeps on changing our make up every single weekend! The shoutings from the Queue Managers and especially the times when we have to queue up to take the transport home, haha oh my much misses! Unfortunately, Every good things will always have to come to an end!

Thank you Sentosa for taking me in and let me experience this journey and thank you to all talents that made this event a successful one! 


Till we meet again on the 16th for the appreciation lunch and till we meet again next year! 


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