Managed to drag my mum and sister to watch 'BELIEVE' movie by Justin Bieber yesterday at Golden Village, Tampines. The movie was out on Christmas day in the U.S and U.K but it only went out on January 23rd here in Singapore. (Asian Belieber Problem)
What else can i say about this movie? It is a definitely a good movie to watch and it's seriously worth $16. Thank god I'm a GV member if not, the tickets will be at $20 each. That's a bit pricey but still acceptable because this is a GV Exclusive Movie and it will up only for a week. I would like to watch it again but...i think i should just wait for the physical CD to be out and i will buy it.
I actually planned to watch it with my friends but none of them are interested in watching this because they're not a die hard fan of Justin Bieber. Unlike me, I would do anything that has got to do with Justin Bieber. I succeed in convincing my mum to come along and watch it with me. Before watching this movie, she will criticize Justin a lot and say that he's bad and all sorts of stuff but after watching this movie, I can see that she is somehow quite impressed with the movie. I asked her what she liked most about the movie and she said that she liked the music, choreography and the part where Justin runs away from the paps. Yes! I finally made my mum like Justin Bieber somehow *proud*
This movie teaches me a lot of things like be strong and fight for who you wanna be and stop thinking about what people say about you because at the end of the day, nothing is gonna change you. Justin is so strong is facing all the hate going around the world about him especially now, when he was caught by the police in Miami for drink-driving. Imagine yourself being judged by the WHOLE World. I can't imagine how it'll be if i'm the one who's being judged by the whole world. I can't even stand being judged now but this movie really made me realize to stick to who i am and what i wanna be and stop thinking about what people say. I still remember some parts when Justin said that people tend to forget that he is a human being. All these people just want to see you fall and that's the reason why you should keep your heads up. He learned from it.
People only see the bad things he did but never see the side where he do great things by giving back to the people, WORLDWIDE. He build schools for children in Guatemala and no one there knew about him and it was cool with him because it's not about him, it was about them. When Philippines was struck with Earthquake, he came down all the way from Australia upon completing his Believe Tour just to sing and donate $3 million to them but...most people don't see that. I won't drag this post any longer but this is just a great movie that i've watched so far in the year of 2014.
Always give back.
Hope this post helps!
Athirah (:
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