Holla everyone! Guess what? I'm back on my healthy lifestyle again! I'm starting to get back on working out and eating healthy. ( I ate too much for the past few months and i'm slowly realizing i'm increasing in size and weight.)
To be honest, i don't really like working out in the gym that much because i feel really insecure whenever i work out in the gym. I don't usually go to the gym and so i am not familiar with the equipments that are available at the gym and also....you know, all gym will definitely have hot and hunky guys working their muscles out! It would be a shame if i don't use the equipment properly in front of those hunky boys, haha. (not trying to be cheesey.)
But....i don't feel insecure, weird or awkward when i worked out at True Fitness!

Today is my second training at True Fitness. I'm currently on a 7 day Trial Pass and still considering if i should sign up and be a member or not. I've attended two classes so far. I tried the Aerobics class yesterday in the morning and it was my first time joining and doing aerobics and phew it was a intense one! It felt like a dancing class but it isn't! Today, i managed to join the Zumba Class in the afternoon and yes, i like doing Zumba more! It's all about shaking the booty, baby! After dancing and sweating out, i spent about an hour and a half in the gym! Went on the thread mill, cycling and doing some upper body exercises. It feels so good to start working out again after being stiff for months, haha.
The benefit of this 7 days Trial Pass is that you will get to enjoy all the classes provided you book the classes that you want to attend to and the gym is all yours to use till whatever time you want. The gym opens up at 6am-10pm so if you wanna work out in the morning or during your lunch break or any time, you can just come down and work out! Its a 7 days trial pass so its up to you whether you want to come on a daily basis (so you will get to enjoy more) or miss out some of the days. Its best if you come for the whole week so you will get to enjoy more classes as they have different classes every day.
For now, True Fitness has 8 outlets and will be opening 3 more oulets near Ang Mo Kio, Clementi and Central area so it will be better if you choose the outlet that is nearer to your home or convenient for you! I have one more class to attend to next Monday which is the Cycling class and one more thing...one of the personal trainer there decided to help me and my friends out in working out and he will give us a test on Monday to see what's our body limit so that he can prepare us the training schedule for us so that we know what to train on the next time we come to train! Sounds fun right?
The reason why i wanted to start this healthy lifestyle back again is because i am constantly putting on weight everyday so i really need to burn the calories out and also...i just found out earlier that my metabolism rate is the same as a 10 years old kid. See how bad is it? I need to work out! I will update you guys on my body and training progress. According to my personal trainer, i should be able to see the difference in 2 weeks to 1 months time. Wish me luck!
Side note, i'm going for a short getaway with my family this weekend to Malacca so i'm hoping to update my blog through my phone (if there's wifi) if not, i'll just have to blog when i'm home on Sunday night! Goodnight and have a great weekend!
Errah (:
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