Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey' What's up people?
Alright, so far I've taken 8 papers for Final Term Examinations and there's one more important subject left before art and then it's time for hooray-hooray ((: I just can't wait for that moment but wait, i have to to one more thing after the arts examinations. I have to go for a survey from MOE and the duration is two hours plusplus. -.- I hate it soooo muchhhhh(!)

Today, it was the Science paper and i swear i just couldn't concentrate on it because it's soooo freaking hot sitting at the first row seats. This is why i hate examinations, i cannot sit under the fan. I'm a hot princess y'know. Hahahha :D Fanatic me. Stop it. Lol. What's more when the science paper is two hours and it just sucks to the core. I don't think i can survive maths and science,again. History? I got no judgements for it. Let the marks decide.

I'm so sorry that i've not been spending time blogging more about my life as i'm super busy,y'know. Okay, good news. I just received a new-born cousin and he is Muhammad Adam Iman. He's sooooo cute~ He's my latest addiction. Don't worry, i will still entertain Sya and Ziqah. HA-HA. Alright,i have to go now to complete my art prep work.


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