Thursday, June 7, 2012

Review on movie Snow White and The Huntsman

I rate this movie, 10/10! Snow White And The Huntsman is really really awesome!! I would want to go again and watch this movie!! Anyone??? No words can describe how awesome this movie is! 

I've been watching the trailer over and over again in my phone because i really can't wait to watch it! I had a date today with one of my friend and we head to The Grand Cathay to watch this movie together. We bought our tickets and roamed around the mall while waiting for the movie to start which is at 3.40pm. This movie must be really good because i saw some posters hanged up all over the place and it says that it was one of the viewer's choice! From the information given to me, the movie should last about 127 minutes which is equivalent to 2 hours and 7 minutes and yes, the movie started at 4 instead of 3.40pm. Advertisements all over before the actual start...

As all of you know, Kristen Stewart, Twilight heroin is playing the role of 'Snow White' in this movie. Yes, she's really gorgeous in this movie! She's also one of my favorite actress but surprisingly,i fell in love with the evil queen (Charlize Theron) in this movie!  Eventhough she's evil, i just love how everything fells into place for her! Her aggressive voice, stern and evil looks just made me fall in love with her. (Please don't think i'm evil *cute face*) I must say that i really want some characteristic of this evil queen but sadly, i can't! 

The digital surrounding of the sounds really brought me into a different world just like in this movie where it's all about living in kingdoms, escaping from darkness and running away from evil spells.I strongly suggest that all of my readers to watch this movie because it's seriously beyond awesome! You have to check it out by your own! 

Another amazing thing happened to me today! Last week, i entered this contest from this program called 'SupermodelMe' and i'm supposed to answer what they asked me and yes, here's a screenshot of the email that i sent! 

So they gave me a call today and said that i won the contest and the reward is...going for a makeover and take some photos of myself, more like a celebrity photo shoot and the best thing is that...the pictures will be in some of the magazines. Here comes the sad part...they asked me to verify my age and i'm only 16 but the minimum age limit for this contest is 18. My mistake was that i read the Terms & Conditions after i sent the email to them! Sigh, but it's alright! There's always next time! (But i'm really hoping they'll call me up and tell me that i won the contest, which i doubt so will happen!) A lesson learnt! I must always read the terms and conditions first...okay, maybe some, not all! 

To all my readers out there, please go and watch SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN! It's really awesome and yeah, if any companies are searching for some casual model, do inform me! Hahahah! 

Have a goodnight and....
Lots of Love
Ainul Athirah!