Today is such a mundane day at home.
I have nothing to do.
Okay,today i'm freaking frustrated with those fucking spammers.
I shall end my post here for today and move to reality with those fuckers! To : spammers.
You're not happy with me issit and you have to make you spam my blog?
My blog,my say .
My word,my spell uhkay?!
I want to step big in school , thats none of your fucking asshole problem! Unless i in the same school as you uh!
I don't menyusahkan kau peyh puki pe!
What's the problem of me playing guitar?
It's my passion BODOH!
You jealous pa,taktaw main guitar?
Nak aku ajar kau pe?
Aku kalau ajar kau eh, aku sumbat guitar tu kat kau peyh puki uh siaa!
Ugly betty?
I'm ugly,your'e uglier as a BIG FAT pig uh.
Ader cermin muker kau ke tak?!
Muka macam babi kena jolok konek lagik ader uh muker korang!
I'm awesome,why? Jealous pe?!
Aku tawu uh muke kau hodoh giler sampai kau nak spam aku!
Muke hodoh,bwat hal hodoh bodoh!
Aku tak selawar ririn?!
Peduli ape aku dier lawar ke tak?!
Yang penting dier lawar,aku lawar , kau je tak lawar bodoh!
C'mon uh.
Own up your ass uh !
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