Today is the first day of school , as for normal , i met Amirah , Yan and a new friend of ours , Qistina at 147 bus-stop and bussed 15 to school.
Reached school , maked a lot of noises and i disturb the student leader who was in-charge of the gate.
Then went to third level to go to our class and finally i found my 2C classroom.
Uh,yes , finally i get to meet my fellow deared classmate.
The one who cherish my throughout my Sec-1 life last year and early in the morning they made me smile by making jokes to me.
They never fail to make my day a great one .
At certain days uh , following their mood -.-
Hah ! Hmmm, should i say this year the new sec-1 members are okay?
There was one girl when i was walking past the sec-1 classes corridor with Nana and this particular girl showed me look as if she want's to eat me .
Urgh , hello ?
Tengok orang tak perlu gitu lah anak , baru juniors buat hal juniors.
In the class , listened to the Mr Tay yada-yada-yada here and there and of course talk about school rules which i shall know by now.
Grrrrrrr -.-
Moved on to recess at 10.15,late -.-
Disturbed some sec-1's a little bit.
Some make new friends, named Hayati,Sarah and Mas.
Haha, i won't bother to memorise all .
Newbieees ~
Then after school,i saw him !
urgh , your haircut sucks lah boy .
but you look the same to me. I feel i'm getting back to someone again.
Then maked new friends with Nazurah and stuff.
Then homed .
Woooooo, in class, i'm sitting beside NanaSeypyt.
Great isnt it ?
talk a lot we shall kay Naa?
Okay, after school took 15 to Pasir Ris and then bussed 17 with Atiqah and changed bus to 28 and finally i'm home.
i'm tired okay and i'm sleepy people.
I'm telling you,yesterday night i didn't get to sleep.
Not even for an hour.
Bye ;B
'you came into my mind back'
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