Alrite people.
Today is Sunday and it's quite a amazing day.
Well,woke up at 10plus.
Then after that watched the teevee and at 1, called Zaidah up if she's free to go out.
She is ^^
Planned to meet up with her at 2.pm, at 1.50 then i get ready.
Heh,she also went out late.
Met her infront of Princess macdonalds and then ate our Mcspicy and headed off to Bedok Reservoir.
Wanted to go Pasir ris.
Lazy us uh XD
Kan Zay?
Reached there,helped her with her mathematics homework and fuck she didnt bring her calculator and when i do maths i need one.
Everyone does right ? -__-
Camwhored a lot.
I have lots-of-pictaz to upload.
Maybe when i edit already,i'll upload .
I was the one who actually planned to go there to make my mind fresher.
Talked a lot about some certain ' spammers'
Youknowiknow kankankan Zay?
We are still working on finding the asses who spam my blog.
Once i found out,jengjengjeng.
Tu orang aku tak maafkan uh walaupon kawan ke tak.
Brani buat brani tanggung kay kawankawan?
Then went home and get things ready for school tomorrow.
Tonight,let's hope i don't have isomnia agaain -_-
After all that getting ready for school things,talked with aunt about this freaking asshole and she said,that's a spoilt child that taktau bersyukur.
Haha, auntie,i support you about this ass.
Then,at last i found my lasttime earpiece and use it. Gee.
Okay,got to go.
'i got a feeling,that i'm innocent'.
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