Hey there. I did mention at the previous post that today will be Teacher's Day Celebration right? Yes today it is the day. For the concert in school has been a good one. I don't wish to label it as awesome because some of the performance wasn't that fun. I love the singing by Fazera and i guess that's it? 'Cause the others are like lack of Cheoreography and the dance moves just looks lame, very. Went to school and have to assemble at the School Hall because the lower sec will get to see the concert first. The duration of the concert is not that long, just around an hour. Went back to class early because coincedencely myself and Nana went to the toilet and the concert is finish. Anju and others were already in class waiting for the teacher's to come. Especially Mr Tay and Miss Liza. I became the blocker for the day and also Lady Gaga. Haha :D
Met her and took bus 28 to Bedok Green. Had to walk a little bit. Reached Bedok Green, everybody was already looking at us. Like wow. Haha. Syabil keep on looking at me, i don't know why. Maybe they don't recognise me already )': Went into the canteen and saw Ardini,Amelia, Ayuni and most of all Ririn. I have been waiting for my Tanisha and Ayesha to arrive since Zaidah couldn't come because she got her detention along for the day. Ergh, wasted sia. Met Mr.Ridz and more teachers. But i didn't get to meet some of my best teacher's as they already went home. Argh, Cikgu Dewi! I miss you )': Met a lot of my friends which doesn't recognise me and i don't too, some only. Alvin came with Mohammed. ^^ Two at the same time. Ya-allah! Mohammed sumpah tinggi giler macam giraffe. He's is soooo freaking tall. Alvin is the same, Haikel too. Haikel dah red belt for silat seh. I'm so jelous -.-
Went out from school and slack around at Turtle shelter. Took pictures with some of them. Andres,Joven,Jialin and more. Khairu Fayyadh sumpah hot! He's diffrent from what i think. I even took pictures with him. Y A Y ! Jokes and rewind the memories back between us and more on love during that time. Ha-ha. What a day :D Went home with Tanisha and Ayesha. Didn't get scolded but then i went to sleep for awhile and was woken up by a call. Didn't get a chance to sleep back. Tomorrow, no schoooool (Y) I love i loike! Can wake up late and of course, three days to one week holiday. Yay!
Okay,i have to go now. More pictas will be uploaded soon if i already got them. :D