Hello. Please mark today my dearest 2compassion. Today is the last day that our dearest Miss Lim will be in Springfield. She's gonna leave us for N.I.E until next year. I really can't let go of this feeling right now, the beloved person in two-compassion is not going to be there for us anymore. There's no one who will help me run awaay from Mr Tay's nagging, Mr Tay three basics and most of all, my mother. Who will i depend on right now? I got no choice but i have to do it on my own with a brand new teacher and a brand new way.
How i wish i can rewind time back to the first day when i met her, how i wish i can have a longer time with her and share everything that i envy with her, how i wish i can have her as my form-teacher in my Springfield-life and of course, the most wish that i really really want is that, to see me graduate from Springfield in next three years,if god's will. I really want her to be around at that time with me. *sigh* I seriously need someone to comfort me right now at this moment. I'm currently having mixed feelings in myself right now as i'm happy to start a new way with my classmate but in the meantime, i feel i left someone out. And that person is, Miss Audrey Lim. I swear i'm gonna miss her so much,i think much more than love.*crying* Mixed emotions. Not only that, there's another teacher who is already leaving for N.I.E and he is my Sir Wong. I have two teachers who are leaving at the same time. See how the feeling mixed up my heart right now? Gonna lose a hero in NCC and a cute,sweet and caring teacher.
I'm just gonna look at her pictures when i miss her so much. I wonder how will i go to school on Monday without her around me to say 'Goodmorning my dear girls' and of course with her big smile which just cherish my day, everyday. I'm gonna feel so lost without her around me even though i just knew her for only eight month plus. Gosh, someone please please please comfort me. Mummy please,preety please? All of my classmates cried but there's some who didn't. What kind of humans are they? Heartless? Errrgh!
School has been a mundane one today since it's Friday and the first three periods was DNT. We did some artefacts and it's fun but still my heart feels so low. After recess was maths, did some sums and then off to malay class. Sat with two-benevolence guy and i really sat and talked with Ghufran who looks like Zac Efron. Ohmygod, he's eyes and nose just melts me all the way but i'm not interested in him,yet. Hahahah :D Never i guess? ^^ Laughed a lot with Mustafa and Acap. Went back to class for Art lesson and today Miss Rafiqah didn't teached anything today since Miss Lim is going to visit us for awhile before she leave at one. We gave her some cards and more presents. I gave her another last hug and kiss before i have to go for my NCC training and i cried along the way to NCC. Amirah tried to comfort me but it's not working for me and herself since she was also crying.
Training starts at 12.35 with the performance for Sir Wong and obviously i cried again during the speech. I just couldn't control it anymore! Understand me? Pleaseeee -.- Today's training was alright and fun. We did some drills and today it's marvelous for the part b's as we did with a lot of concentration and fullest co-operation. But when it comes to the P.T is quite okay for me as we got to do push-ups and train our muscles for Challenge Quest which is coming soon during the September Holidays and of course,shooting. I can't wait for it and i also remembered that Miss Lim wanted me to achieve more in my CCA and of course if god's will who knows i can be the next CSM next year. Haha :D I'm covered up with so much drama-mama right now. Stop it errah,stop.
Went home around five as i'm super lazy to hang around until late fives or six and then went home. I really have been looking forward for Friday since i'm tired as i've been waking up early this few days and i'm tireeeed -.- Goodnight :D My last message for my beloved teachers, have a safe and wonderful journey ahead of you and please come back to Springfield and visit us. Iloveyou :D
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