Awww,what a beautiful weather today is. Sucha handsome one. But,obviously it just distracts me from going to school and of course making me wet. Ergh! I went out of home with the weather so fine and without any red clouds,but after i met Amirah, it suddenly have lightnings all over and it started to rain heavily. I didn't bring my sweater and umbrella along and it's super cold. I'm freezing in the bus and Amirah adjust the air-con to my face,directly -.- We had to stop at Temasek Poly West Gate since it's raining heavily. Walked the sheltered walkway and once we reached block 892,Hazwan called me up asking if myself and Amirah are okay and needs him to come and help a not. I say nevermind. So, we got no choice but we have to run to school quickly.
Fahmy he got his umbrella but then he didn's share with me. Action him. Nevermind,it's fun getting wet again. So ran quickly and once i reach DNT block,i'm soaking wet! At that time,i wasn't feeling comfortable with my uniform sticking to my body and can see my ewww ,it's so gross. Went to class and everybody called me and Amirah horny. Whatever -.- Sat down and lowered down the fans so that we won't catch any fever or cold. I asked love to bring his jacket and borrow me but then he gets the message late. Nevermind,i'll suffer from coldness.
DNT was okay,i didn't do much of the work and i talked to Khairi,Qistina and Atiqah since Gabriel was in his bad mood with Mr.Tay. So let him be. Recess time we sat in the class and laughed around before maths lesson. During maths lesson, we watched the movie '____' i forget the title and we continued from where we stopped the previous day. Wow. The movie is super sad. I seriously wanna kill the grandchild sehh. Then went off for malay class, teacher didn't came in, no relief teacher. Played games around and they played jokes on me alot. I swear it's fun playing games with you guys.
Back for art's, we finished up our artwork for CA2 and i passed my art, for sure. Never fail to do so *peace* Paint and paint and joke around with Amirah. After school ,we went for a quick meeting for NCC before heading to Tampines Mall to get Miss Lim's present and something for me and love. Met him at open plaza with Irsyad and Iskandar. Went our seperate ways and i went to x-craft to see and it's freaking not worth it. Then i went to Couple Lab to see and it's $38 only and free engraving. Went in to Dorothy Perkins to see around while Farhanah bought something from Dorothy Perkins. Went around and home with Farhanah. But before that, we sat and slacked at 148 for awhile. Got screened by police -.- Abg policemen to hot. We even called him Abang Potato cause he mumbled a lot on potatos. Cool kan. But he was cute.
Reached home, i didn't get a chance to sleep for the evening. So,tomorrow there is CIP at Ghufran.So i'm looking forward for it. Gonna have funn with peeps and maybe after that i'm gonna meet love. So, missing him much. I can't wait for my exam results but surely i will flock my Maths but insya-allah not for Science. Pleaseee uh. I want to go shopping! :B
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