School started off like normal today. First two periods was Malay and Cikgu was not in class for two weeks as she has to go for the YOG games held right now. Yipeeee (Y) the class is so much better without her in. Cikgu Rosli was supposed to take us but then changed to Cikgu Juraimi as he is lazy to go up to 2b' classroom and they swapped. So, no lesson for today's malay lesson. Like finally we get a chance to talk to Amirah about her boyfy, Hazwan. We talked regarding his attitude,reaction and of course,sensitivity -.- Love,please don't be like him okay? I hate you if you were like him :D Joking!
All four of us gave a talk to Amirah and we came up with a plan to talk to Hazwan during recess time. We went to Counselling room to sit and decided to have the talk there but then, there's always a fly coming into to disturb. The sec one's need to use the room to be counselled. Argh! No more place to sit, we went to Spare Room at Level 3 to have our talk there. Talked nicely and politely to Hazwan regarding his behaviour and we told him that we don't force him to change but we think whats best for him and if he picked the way that he do not want to change his attitude then, he must be ready to face the consequences and Amirah have to bear with it.
Language arts lesson was okay, did corrections with Miss Liza but then i'm also busy wrapping up my Maths Algebra Booklets question. So, i'm doing two things in one time. After language arts is Maths and i swear i love maths today ! I don't know why i fell in love with Maths today until i didn't joined Qistina and Sabrina to the counselling room. Concentrating! But then ,there's always a noisy bee irritates me just like syai =.= After maths was CME and what's more with that Mr Tay. Luckily he gave us the permission to do the Farewell Party to Miss Lim, if he didn't i smack his face and i complaint to school for his immaturity, ass -.- Hah.
After school, went to 893 to have a sit for a short time while waiting for love to finish his class which was SUPPOSED to end at 2.30 and i'm supposed to leave by 2.45 and i ended up going home at three. Nevermind, sacrifical for love♥. I took bus 8 and then walked with Amirah since love is going to riding with his friends. Didn't slacked for the day with him. Homed,i planned to study but then the laptop just takes my intention awaay but then after this i'm gonna start revising and practising more on my maths and i tell you what,i gave up on Science but i try to pass. Insya-allah :D
Girls, we will put a date for the break-fast by this week okay? So that it will be easier to plan for next week :D Girls,don't forget Haunted Changi tooooooo :B
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